Monday 19 November 2012

How to Date younger Women

                                    Most at time guys get confused and worried on how to date younger or even older woman, but I have been able to state out some point on how to go about it without stressing.
Here are how you can go about it, I'm guessing that the age difference was something you were
concerned about most. You were psyched to
meet a cute 20-year-old, but you were probably worried that
she would "realize" that you were too old for her.

This is easily avoided. Here are two points to remember when
you meet a younger woman:

1. Never try to conceal your age, and never express any
concerns about you being older. Bring it out into the open
right away, and USE your age as a way to make her want to
PROVE herself to you. SHE should be the one who is worried
she is not on your intellectual level.

Once she tells you her age, you say, "Wow, I'm 33 years old
and you're only 20? I've usually dated women that are
closer to my own age. I like women that are sophisticated
and have some life experience."

That's what you can say to a young woman. It's not arrogant
or offensive. It shows you have HIGH STANDARDS with the women
you date. Can she measure up to your standards?

Well, now is her chance to show you.

You didn't say, "I can't date you, you're too young and

You said, "I date women who are sophisticated and

So, if she wants to hang out with you, she's going to need
to demonstrate that she has these qualities.

You've put a CHALLENGE out there, and women get turned on
by a man who challenges them to step up!

Now, throw her a question and make her PROVE that she can
hang with a sophisticated guy like you: "But I have to
admit, you do seem kind of mature for your age. So tell me
something special you're into."

This is so powerful on a psychological level. Right from
the beginning, you're establishing that you have no
insecurity at all about your age; you love being your age,
because it means you're at a secure, confident,
experienced stage in your life.

You know about all kinds of cool and interesting things.

The only question is, is SHE worthy of hanging out with
a guy like you?
 2. Turn your age into a REASON for her to want to date
you. As an older guy, you're more worldly and experienced.
You can teach her things. You can show her cool places,
turn her on to great music, movies, art...whatever your
interests are.

I'll say things to her like, last night i dreamt of young angels that I wish to propose, but I felt that you are the youngest that is why I have come to have you mine.
If she feels to be flirter you say:
"Cool. I'm impressed and I will give you the copy of the dream.

If she tells you she hasn't seen it (and she probably
hasn't), bust on her a little. Say playfully, "I can't
believe you haven't known how I dreamt. There are a
lot of things I'm going to need to teach you about...
this could take awhile."

Either way, you're framing yourself as the older, more
experienced MAN who can bring value to her life. Very
powerful! (Do you think the typical guy her own age has
anything of value to say, or teach her?)

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